WestWord August 2025 Edition
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August 2025 Edition
We charge a small submission fee (£5) in order to pay writers and cover our production, design and admin costs. We understand that this will be unaffordable for some people so we have 4 free submissions available in each period. Contact us to get one. No need to provide any explanation or evidence, just ask. They are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
- Short Stories: up to 3000 words
- Flash Fictions: up to 1000 words
- Micro Fictions: up to 350 words
Author Payment
For each edition, the writers we publish will share 50% of the submission fees received (after Submittable and PayPal fees are deducted). All stories selected for an edition will receive the same payment no matter the length of the story.
We will also nominate stories for prizes (Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Best Microfictions, etc.).
Submission Guidelines
- All submissions must be sent through Submittable and we cannot accept email submissions. Anything sent via email will not be read.
- Please submit no more than one story per category in each submission period. If you are submitting to more than one category then each submission must be made separately and the submission fee paid each time.
- Please use a legible, easy-to-read font of at least 12pt or 14pt.
- All submissions must be previously unpublished (never published in print or online, including a personal blog) and in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format ONLY.
- Simultaneous submissions are fine but please withdraw your submission via Submittable if it is accepted elsewhere.
- Our submissions are open to all adult writers worldwide. All work must be written in English.
Please do not submit stories which glorify murder, racism, sexism, homophobia, religious hatred or any other kind of bigotry and hate. Any sex must be relevant to the story. We won’t publish graphic stories of rape, incest, child abuse, bestiality, or excessive violence and we do not want to read them.
This doesn’t mean we won’t publish stories that are about difficult subjects, but they must be written with nuance, empathy, compassion and love for our shared humanity at the heart of them. 💙
To find out what kind of stories we like, read our previous editions.
Authors will retain all rights and copyright to their works. WestWord requests one-time, non-exclusive first publication rights.